Thursday, November 08, 2007
Anecdote Disclosed @ 6:37 pm Today I was supposed to be present for Teens Alive graduation ceremony. Teehee!
It was compulsory yaww. Being lazy was one reason but the main reason was because my two younger siblings didn't want to attend. They were involved too. & Mummy was lazy to show up. So if I had went, alone, if the teacher came to ask me where were my other 2 brothers & Mother, I wouldn't know a good reason to state cause I myself had shown up. And yes, My dad would question my Mum why I was the only one who had attended it. So to be safe Mummy told me not to go. Hee, I'm sorry Epul! And don't come crapping to me that you wouldn't have a friend luhh seyy. You've got those friends there ok? That you even forget me at times. haha! Godammmmmmmmit ~!! Guess what? Sweetheart's in Malaysia now, up till Saturday visiting his relatives there. BIG BUMMERRRR. )))= Oh well, what am i to do? I miss him already.. Yeah, like duhh. Yesterday morning the other NCOs & I painted the NP Room up till past Noon. The colour does suck ok? Sky Blue; oh please. Purple would be nice, kan Dzul? hahahhax! I mean, at least purple's dark and outstanding, unlike sky blue. It wasn't our choice at the very least. I remembered Sir wanting Sky Blue for the walls. -.-'' eeew. Bad taste. Whatever it is, our job was to just follow orders and paint the entire room. We shifted the furniture to the centre of the room and proceeded tapping masking tape around fixtures & fittings. Newspaper was used to cover the floor. But it was pointless. We still got paint on the cement floor. Bodoh, there were blobs of paint spotted. I've got paint stains on my black slip-on shoes and at the tips of my school skirt. Not to worry, I'm purchasing a new skirt though. (; Boyfriend said its too short. haha! Fyi, I completed one whole wall below the windows and 1 Half of an entire wall by myself while the rest were resting. (((((((: HAHAAH! Action sia Mira. Epul was bad. He told me to finish up the top portion of the wall by climbing the ladder. Even after knowing how terrified I am of heights. It was only for a while and then I screamed ((((: Dzul was being playful; he smeared paint on his palms and started hand-printing the walls. It was not long that everyone became worn-out and lazy to continue. The room wasn't completely finished yet. We weren't informed yet when we'll be coming back to finish it up. Oh yes, we've yet to touch up the rifles with those black oil-spray paints. Oh dear. It was Alif's birthday too. It wasn't on the back of everyone's mind that it was his birthday yesterday until Dzul asked, " Bila birthday kau uh Alif? November kan?" and then I said, " Eh!... aku ingat seven/eleven... seven november kan???" someone said, " biler uhhh..? Nari hari aper?" & someone said, " ehhhhhh!!!! Nari luhh 7th nov!!! " And then everyone became noisy and scolded Alif for keeping his lips sealed. He even kept it from us! We felt bad forgetting it was his b'day though, but lucky we asked! haha. He claimed he kept quiet as he knew he will be in deep soup if he had told us. NOT FAAAIR ~! Alif escaped being sabotaged with flour & ALSO being smeared with cake on the face!! Drats! =X We somehow pitied his tired face soo we abandoned the plan of sabotage. This year, I was the only one who had been bashed on my birthday!!! erghhh ! Dzul escaped cause there was something on eh that day? ;Aliah ain't close with us like before. Epul too as it was the 2nd day of Raya. & Alif's was a close call! D: I'd wanted to take revenge but awwwwwh, nevermind (; I'm nice. heheeh! Nyeheh! The cap's not mine (((: && the face particularly sucks. This was a picture of myself; it was supposed to be, but then Alif somehow made me laugh. Okay, this was the broken mirror in The Np Room (((: |
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RIGHT-CLICKING DISABLED Too bad losers. Nurul Shamira June 28th Singapore. Show me some love and I'll reciprocate accordingly. TUMBLR ♥ x Memory Lane ♥♥
Ok best !! (: ; Super big hugs please Ayie? )= ; 29th/OCT/2007; & I love this Girlfriend Of Mine... ; NPCC'S Raya Outing ^.^ ; 3NB's Jalan Rayerr; [DAY TWO] ; 3NB's Jalan Rayerr; [DAY ONE] ; Look at the time!AKU RINDU AYIE LARH SIOTS ~ !!!! ... ; Salam Lebaran buat rakan-rakan semua ! <33 ; 18 more days left till HARI RAYA! :D ; What ever happened to Happily Ever After? ; Blog's Been With Me Since Nov 2006 Credits ♥♥
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