Thursday, November 12, 2009
Anecdote Disclosed @ 1:33 am
FIRSTLY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUHAMMAD ANDRI ! Best wishes on your birthday and throughout the coming year. (: I wished him already via text message an hour ago so yeaahh. Hee. I'm so sorry my girls & I couldn't celebrate your birthday with the guys . . We were shamefully penniless ): hee. And I bet MOST of us are currently saving up. Do have fun later with the rest of the guys! I'm sure you guys are gonna have a blast, even without us girls. (and I bet better without us! ahah!)
Cute/hawt ehhhh? Pest. ;D
Ok moving on, believe it. The Boy and I caught our SECOND movie yesterday. HAHAS! -.-'' This time I paid a share too okay. {terkopak nanti kocek dektuuu! =p} Heeeheee. So we watched another weepy blockbuster but this one's much more heartfelt as compared to the previous movie we watched.
Most of you might have caught it already. But now we did too! ITS A MUST WATCH for those who are in need of a good cry. I'll give this movie 4 and a half stars! So here's the rundown of the movie in point form :
An 11-year old girl (Anna) sues her parents for operating on her and donating her genetically matched parts to her leukemic-ill sister (Kate) for the pass 11 years.
Painfully tired of this 'gruelling rountine of being poked and throbbed with needles', this little girl goes to court seeking her "medical emancipation." (to be disallowed of going through surgeries and medical procedures) And yes, she HAD money, loads of money ((:
Anna was a ''designer baby" and her birth was 'planned' so that her body parts would be donated to her sick sister. She was conceived through genetic engineering , and would be a perfect genetic match with Kate.
The narration on the power of family is almost overwhelming in this film.
I really feel for Anna – I was dying to understand her, because the conflict she’s presented with is so outrageously taxing for anyone, let alone a child.
It is the one occasion where you might legitimately complain about manipulative parents!
Upon seeing her daughter so distraught with how ugly she feels, the mum shaves her head bald, so her daughter won't feel "ugly" following chemotherapy.
An arguably 'good-looking' cancer patient becomes Kate's love interest and they got into a relationship. They eventually had sex on a hospital bed behind closed doors DURING a mini-prom hospital event. (yes, it was funny though, seeing BOTH partners with clean-shaven heads on a bed -.-'' ok not funny, but found it rather ticklish)
Guy passed away soon after. ): So... he didn't die a virgin didn't he? Wth!
In the end, it was made known that Kate wanted Anna to stop donating her parts to her as she instinctively knew it was time for her to 'depart from this world'.
However, the mum refused to accept the truth.
A poignant, tear-inducing movie for any girl OR GUY. (This is proven true based on my experience; cause the Boyfriend cried first before I did in turn! ;D)
Before we were at eHub, this uber sweeeeeeeeeeeeetsweeet lil' boyfriend (ok not little, but huggable! ^.^) of mine bought us both an early dinner at Swensens! (': I REAAALLLY enjoyed every single bite down to the last slurp and last piece of beef/chicken! Like duhhh, of course. Daaaaa laaa MAHAL dohh! Tskkk ;D PHOTOS from yesterday will be pending still. I'm too lethargic to go on any longer. ): Today I'll be at home the entire day, so yeahhhh. . You guys have fun celebrating that Pest's birthday yeahh? ((:
TOMORROW [13/11/09]; big day-out with Mummy & Boyfriend! We're gonna shopshopshop! ^.^
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Nurul Shamira June 28th Singapore.
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