Monday, December 03, 2007
Anecdote Disclosed @ 6:28 pm

Another typical family day out yaww ((:
Let the PICTURES do the talking okayy?
Do click on the thumbnail for a larger view.

"I didn't need the pain..
Once or twice was enough
& it was all in vain.
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you're frozen..."

The Various bird shots.

Hah! Inside the phone booth (:

Eheh. Okay, move on to the next picture please.

& so he was enthusiasticly 'reading' the map ;D

Yeah! Candid (=

Poor child. Childhood wasn't enough. (X

You see that lonely soul? He was being sulky. LOL!

MUMMY! Me Love ;D

Alahai, bunny rabbit ((((;

Bird show.

Chey! Adik Ku Kencang Seh!
But too bad he kept falling down! (:

Best Viewed in Firefox/Google Chrome

Too bad losers.

 photo 71428ff5-f7e7-4a56-84ad-b4fc26e6624c.jpg

Nurul Shamira kitty icon Pictures, Images and Photos
June 28th
Show me some love and
I'll reciprocate accordingly.


Memory Lane ♥♥
Previous Posts!:
TODAY! :) Family Daaaay~ ; 24th & 25th laaa oii. ; ZAZA; gue lurp sama lu! (((((: ; It's been 335 Days since we've been together (': ; Frail and too afraid ): ; Nothing To It. ; [Insert Title Here] (; ; Ok best !! (: ; Super big hugs please Ayie? )= ; 29th/OCT/2007; & I love this Girlfriend Of Mine... ;

Blog's Been With Me
Since Nov 2006


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©2009 ElinaLyana. All rights reserved.