Monday, June 23, 2008
Anecdote Disclosed @ 10:18 pm 17th JUNE: We headed to Dreamworld on this day in the morning. It was much fun laaa! (: Unfortunately after staying overnight for only a night, we had to pack our luggages as we were required to transfer to another hotel in Pattaya. This will make it convenient for us to travel around Pattaya the next day. The following day, we will be packing our luggages again as we had to return to Bangkok to check in again at First World hotel. It was kinda tacky and cumbersome but it made it easier getting from one location to another. After hours of fun at the amusement park and soon after lunch, we drove over to Gems Gallery International, Chiang Mai. There were no photos taken as we were refrained from doing so. The gems produced in Thailand are genuine and the most precious in the world. They are exported globally and gems such as rubies & sapphires are the most popular kinds to be purchased. After observing the workers polishing and crafting the gems, we browsed through the array of gems available in the gallery. There was a piece of jewellery originating from White Gold with pieces of pink gems engraved that instantly caught my sight. It was drop-dead blandiloquent and it sure was worth my money if I ever own a high salary! (; "Ni kalau kita da kahwin nak patah balik sini la! Mintak hubby belikan la aper lagik!" We left moments later and the van dropped us off with our luggages at a bus terminal. We were required to board the bus to our designated hotel in Pattaya. The journey took us 4 hours! Bluergh~! We had dinner at an Indian Continental Restaurant and I swear the food sucks! Yes, there was Thailand's specialty, Tom Yam but the overall feast was the very least delectable. Dad then allowed us to buy snacks at 7-eleven located next door. *P.s, If you are observant enough, you'll realise that I changed out of my white pants to a maroon-coloured one! Teehee! I had bought that pair desperately at a retail store situated in Dreamworld itself as the white pair was soaking wet after the water-filled chute rides! hehe. I was drenched from head to toe but I couldn't bear walking around with a drenched bottom! xD The guys weren't complaining though. Baah~ -The designated van that brought our family to places and also picking us up afterwards. -Animal Show. - Ummm, Ice Shavings! Yummmy! -Wonders of the World, IMITATION! (; -Outside DREAMWORLD after lunch. - Motorised trishaw! 'Tuk-tuk' It was going at high speed! Syiok ok! It was raining heavily after touring through Bangkok's version of 'Bugis Street.' - On the way to New Day Night Hotel, Pattaya. I saw Mummy with the camera turned to my angle. Nak tido pun susah laaa~ |
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RIGHT-CLICKING DISABLED Too bad losers. ![]() Nurul Shamira ![]() June 28th Singapore. Show me some love and I'll reciprocate accordingly. TUMBLR ♥ x Memory Lane ♥♥
AIRPORT & BANGKOK- DAY #1 ; ^ADVANCE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! [= ; Sawasdee! ^-^ ; Bidding farewell ]'= ; Cookies Galore! =] ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENET! [= ; Rabiah/Isabella/SASA BELLA! ^ HEHEHE! ; Dance Xplosion 3! | ; I'm counting the seconds until you break the silence. ; Another sleepless encounter . ; Blog's Been With Me Since Nov 2006 ![]() Credits ♥♥
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