Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Anecdote Disclosed @ 2:30 pm

Before I begin, I'd like to wish IMAH BABY & BOB-BY
HEHEHE. Don't assume that I've forgotten all about you guys. (: May korang last long-long okeyy lovebirds? Bob tkmo perangai ok? HAHAHA! xD I'm sure they're ok and well currently. ((((((:
They look effing adorable together ya' know.
IMAH BABY, where'd you go? I miss you sooo ya' know. REALLLYYY! D:
Please attend school on the 10th okay? You owe me a hug!

Its already the start of JUNE baby!
Apologies for the delay in updates. I simply have nothing interesting to post about. I'll have to warm this seat for hours till end if I'm facing this screen, cause I'll be browsing sites and profiles and skins and songs and what-have-you! So today is like any other day. I attended POA remedial at 9am and left at 10.30am. It was rather pathetic as only 6 SHOWED UP! Pfft. Which was kinda good you see. Mrs Ooi was able to attend to everyone in the room. [: Headed to White Sands afterwards to grab a bite with A'an, Arep & Ashila. We were SUPPOSED & WERE SCHEDULED to attend the Maths remedial at 11am but those jerks refused to go. I was feeling contrited all over when they pushed the blame on me! ]: I wanted to go sooo bad okay! The guys were plain lazy!!! Badan ajer besaaaaar! Eat onlyyy sia. HAHAHA! Simply and utterly mundane. My days are already scheduled ahead of me. These holidays I seem to confine myself at home as I've got work to be done. And I really need to fasten my workpace 'cause I don't intend to dilly-dally. Reason being I'll be going aboard soon. Shall not state where to. HAHAHA! Well, its not yet confirmed though. When it is, I'll certainly announce it here. 'Cause I'm still on the verge of debate with my parents. I don't wanna leave Singapore!!! Boohoo. I see myself being ubiquitous when really, I'm always rooted/glued to one inanimate thing, not doing anything at all. I have my mind on things lately, so jyeah. I'm encountering levity, meaning that I am lacking in seriousness. Oh dear. *Knocks head* I have to give myself a wake up call. (which I already have, but what has happened????) I really need to brush up on my studies. I figured I'll be able to spend my entire holiday mugging but alas, who am I to predict the future? Mum tells me to quit being querulous as we've not been overseas for a long time. True! But helloooooo, I've got so much studying to do! Believe me, I'm running out of fantabulous ideas to lengthen my near-dead post here. I'm merely keeping my blog alive.
"An anecdote a day keeps the nagging away!" [:

-That is "nagging" from fellow readers who REMIND me to update regularly!! ;D
Pardon me though, if you tend to find me a loquacious blogger. HEY! what are blogs for then???! We instill freedom of speech in this world so what is there to lose?
1 assignment down, 5 FREAKING MORE TO GO! I shall start with social studies now. TOODLES!

Life's not always fair.
Sometimes you can get a splinter even when you're sliding down a rainbow.

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Too bad losers.

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June 28th
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Memory Lane ♥♥
Previous Posts!:
Another sleepless encounter . ; Let the good times roll` ; Massive Blackhole In My Universe~ ; 17 cupcakes; 17th Monthsary! ^ ^ ; Vesak Day Visiting . ; Yesterday's Stroll Around Town. ; Hall Of Shame . D= ; Mid year's over & done with . Get well soon Chairm... ; MOTHER'S DAY! I sayang Mummyku many-many. <33 ; Sports Days Pictures! [; ;

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Since Nov 2006


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