Friday, December 12, 2008
Anecdote Disclosed @ 11:14 pm

05 December `08 !
happy Pictures, Images and Photos SENTOSAAAA ~!
{Photograph Of The Day!}
I find it hard to begin describing a day like on the 5th, really. Frankly, there aren’t really many words that can describe a day like today; at least none that I’ve ever heard or used (yet). (: HAHA. So anyway, I have a favourite photograph right here you see. I even had it printed on gloss photo paper! HAHA. Pretty colourful and vibrant ain't it? And none of us had the same colour on. Nyeheh~ I had initiated this Sentosa trip waaaaay before N'levels began and after further confirmation and agreement on dates, we had our minds set on the trip. Nevertheless, Ein failed to show up, despite him being the one who wanted a group outing. Grr! WDH youuu. Wet blanket~ You missed out on the fun! Hee. Oh, and two other dudes couldn't make it as well, due to their respective reasons. ): A'an had a soccer match whilst Arep? I couldn't recall! ;x
Bummer. What was supposedly planned for the entire clique didn't turn out right. But still, we had our share of fun. Owhhh, and those 3 missed out on an indecent game of Truth & Dare ! {lips sealed!} ;p hehehehe ! Giggles aside, I shall proceed with the round-up of events.

Met up with the 3 PasirRis people (excluding Imah 'cause she was late) at White Sands's entrance. Being the first to arrive, I called, texted and waited. Soon the guys arrived and asked to wait for Leezah at MacD's cause Andri had brought along BigBreakfast from home. We settled down on the 2nd level and Andri chowed down on his breakfast. (; An hour or so later, Leezah arrived!

He was looking my way when I captured this .
(first photo of the day)
A,A,-N-DRI ! ;D

Teehee .
Am very much in love with this adorable character.
We share similar taste so to speak =p

Macam biase ^.^
My one AND ONLY horny-ass twin. [;

Upon Leezah's arrival, we chatted awhile and the four of us got engaged in varying conversations. Not long after, we shifted our butts out of the outlet and made our way to the train station. Oh, before that, I had to wait for them smokers to puff away on their ciggies BEFORE entering the train station. [; Teehee. Unfortunately, Imah and Arrzil didn't join us. As they were late, they had planned to meet each other and insisted we all get together at ViVo instead. Meanwhile, the Tamp ladies were already on their way out.

Ashbaby, Waneedearest, Andri, Elfy !


Taken by Elfy.
We were patiently waiting for Imah and Arrzil

I had to squint my eyes you see .
The sunlight was in the way~

Alas, after much hold up, everyone were finally together. Went on the Sentosaexpress , arrived at Siloso beach , and yes , had ample time to savour those moments with A HANDFUL of pictures ((: Hey, you know what. I'm real tired of typing at the moment. So how about you guys enjoy the many pictures that await you here down below ? toodles !! ^.^

It seemed rather necessary
for us to take group photos,
almost everytime . ^.^

ALOT. (;

Oh! Ash darling took this! ^.^

And this two happened to be there too!
They already had their fun in the waters;
we only just got there. (;
Nadiah! Ikah!♥

Photos taken by Ikah and Nad [;


Ithese photographs!

Waaaaa, seronok perrr kener lempar ??!
Thanks eyhhh Guys! grrrr.
I was like shrieking hysterically pleaseee.

-The 2nd picture, I was being dropped after being shouldered. ;x


Anak Murat, Anak Abdullah ((((:

Out of waters.


I'm in love with the backdrop! prettyyyy~ (:

The ties that bind . [':

who took this ? i have no idea . hah .


We're heaaaading home.
well, not EXACTLY . [;

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Too bad losers.

 photo 71428ff5-f7e7-4a56-84ad-b4fc26e6624c.jpg

Nurul Shamira kitty icon Pictures, Images and Photos
June 28th
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I'll reciprocate accordingly.


Memory Lane ♥♥
Previous Posts!:
Pocketful of posies . ^ ; Out with Leezbaby! ^Farewell Antonius! ): ; You looking my way ? Yes, I know I suck (": ; Pump up the volume girl ~ ; Rain puddles & wet bottoms . ; McCafe meet-up! ^ ; Premiere Screening ! ;] ; 2nd Raya Outing . ; First Day At Work (: ; CLASS RAYA OUTING! =] ;

Blog's Been With Me
Since Nov 2006


Credits ♥♥
©2009 ElinaLyana. All rights reserved.