Saturday, November 28, 2009
Anecdote Disclosed @ 2:03 am

Movies I wanna catch this month ! Ahhhhhh! (:
The most captivating movie last month was 'My Sister's Keeper' and 2012, in my opinion that is. (: Catch-ed 2012 with Ashbaby after our job interviews!
It doubtlessly kept us at the edge of our seats! But it got me wondering though.
A new era begins from 0001 ??? Why couldn't it move on to 2013 .. ?
Is it because 9/10 of the human civilization along with its species of animals had been obliterated? Resulting in the world beginning on a brand new slate? Is that so.. ? I still don't get THAT part.
The rebirth of mankind in Africa starts from scratch and they intend to reproduce a new generation and start anew, while 100 billions+++ of miserable souls, perhaps someone like myself, were deprived of boarding that ONE HELL OF a large ark/spaceship-thingy. -.-''
Oh and I doubt anyone would be able to survive such a catastrophe. And fuck it, those who are powerfully wealthy or are politically involved are entitled a place on board. Fuck that. I was fuming with rage during that scene. Ahahah~!

The movies are lined up in order according to how baaaaadly I wanna catch it. ^.^

My Top-10 list of most CRAVED food dine-ins! mangan sik Pictures, Images and Photos
  1. Breeks Café
  2. 18 Chefs Restaurant
  3. Fresh Bulggogi [ I'm an ex-waitress but no doubt I miss the FOOOOD )': ]
  4. Ramen Ten
  5. Amirah's Grill Restaurant & Café
  6. Zam Zam Restaurant [ yes, again again ! ] ^.^
  7. Secret Recipe
  8. BBQ Chicken
  9. Pastamania
  10. Pizza Hut [ how about giving the pizzas a go this time? HAHA ]

Call me a maniac, go on whatever,
its not as if I expect to dine in at all of these places OR
catch all those movies in A DAY ! =.=''

No worries people.
My PROMNIGHT entry will eventually be published
as SOON as I've got
my hands on the photos that I need. ^.^

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Too bad losers.

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Nurul Shamira kitty icon Pictures, Images and Photos
June 28th
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I'll reciprocate accordingly.


Memory Lane ♥♥
Previous Posts!:
Unwell after a night of partying ))': ; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! ; Let's kill time ; It dampens my mood ; Job interviews & taking flight ): ; Dress-hunting much? ^.^ ; Our 2nd movie in a week ^.^ ; & yes, love happened between us too! (': ; Nocturnally available ): ; 9TH MONTH! <3 ;

Blog's Been With Me
Since Nov 2006


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©2009 ElinaLyana. All rights reserved.