Friday, January 15, 2010
Anecdote Disclosed @ 2:27 am

Results were released days ago. Devastating indeed. I earned myself acceptable grades & Distinctions in languages. Unfortunately for a girl like myself, I flunked Maths - my 2nd key subject that will one way or another guarantee me a place in Poly.
Flunk meaning = E8. Yes humans, that's how badly I suck in Math. So trust me guys, digits & calculations bring out the worse in me. As a matter of fact, because of this dear subject, I lost my chances of enrolling into a Polytechnic course. )':
I did exercise various options though. I painstakingly made my way down to Woodlands RIGHT after meeting the form teacher & Principal at 7am in the morning.

I tried appealing at Republic Poly, figuring there was a way out for me. Sadly, no. I never expected to see myself with my head hung low when I left the campus. Its one of those times you are able to feel the weight of countless frustrations. And it'd seem too much to bear.
I hadn't been smiling since 11th January. When the pressures of the world are relentless,
the desire to cry is never far. The next day, a friend suggested I head down to TP as she figured my chances of getting in were higher. I couldn't contain myself at that point and immediately cabbed down to the campus accompanied by Mum. Mum tried all she could, lecturers spoke to me, I went to various course booths and a lecturer was too kind as to get TP's Director to hold a consultation with me! I knew I wouldn't make it. Period. I was too far over the edge. It was clear everyone there who spoke to me were sorry for me.

And yes I left with a fractured heart yet again.
Eventually I've to learn to forget the forks in the road.
I've mended the scrapes & the bruises and I'm willing to pick myself up again.
To my very supportive Mummy & Boyfriend, THANK YOU SO MUCH ! Love Emoticons
I mean, for travelling so much JUST for my sake. I'm grateful. (':
I've made my decision though. I've been told to ignore my JAE application and I did.
Goodbye Higher Nitec. Hello to anything that's got to do with MATH.
You'll be taking up 5/6 of my 2010. Yes, Mira's retaking this one-hell-of a subject.
Doubling up the effort I guess? Oh no, quadrupling sounds better.
Work extra hard for your A'levels in er, a year's time?
I apologise for failing to attain the grades I promised I would. We figured we'll end up attaining points alongside each other, but no. )'=

-Why is it that whenever I see babes & guys carrying around their laptop
I start to get all teary-eyed .. ?!
Well, obviously its because this year I'm supposed to be one of them. ))):


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Oh school days, ; Imahbaby's Overdue Birthday Entry ; @#$%!^&* ; HELLO 2010 , GOODBYE not-so-good 2009 (: ; Like Finally ! (: ; My Girls, and My Boy )'= ; 38.9° ; )'= ; Hollywood-Themed Promnight `09; OUTRAGEOUS! ((: ; Food & movie getaways for MY soul ((: ;

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